Sometimes everyone has that one question…

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How to register for group or Private Classes?

As many of you are aware all of the dance studios by federal and state regulations have ordered to suspend in person lessons due to the Covid-19 situation in United States and around the World.

As we are not able to teach our private or group lessons in person we are moving all of the instruction online. Therefore all of the registrations and payments for the classes will be done online. Here are the steps you need to take to register for group or virtual private classes.

Please follow the steps to register for the class:

  1. Please go to the Online Group Classes Schedule find a date and the time of the class you are interested in participating. 

  2. After finding the appropriate class please go to Book a Lesson page and scroll down to the various choices of classes offered. As we continue to expand our selection of classes the number of selections will grow. 

  3. Once you find the class or the monthly membership that you would like to purchase please click on it and you will have it added to your cart. 

  4. After you made your selections please proceed with your registration information and payment page.

  5. Once your registration is processed you will receive the appropriate information sent to your e-mail with the links to the class or a private lesson.

  6. If you purchased a membership, please make sure that you register for the classes early that you plan to attend (even if you are not sure that you can make it) at least an 2 hours  before the class so we can make sure that you receive the appropriate information needed for you to attend the class. If you register with less than 2 hours although we will do the best we can, but we can not guarantee that you will receive the appropriate information on time for you to attend the class.

If you have any further questions please Contact Us

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If I take Private lessons with IBDC Instructors, are virtual group lessons included?

The answer is very simple: “Yes”. I order to support our students during the COVID-19 crisis, we are offering our students that take private lessons each week with our instructors a complimentary All Classes Unlimited Premium Membership. To book your private lesson or a group lesson please click on the button below.

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What is the right amount of private Dance lessons I should take.

There is no specific number of lessons that is good for everyone. This is something that you are able to determine with your instructor during your introductory or your first private lesson. However, please keep in mind that a no matter what amount of lessons you determine with your teacher, Consistency is always a good rule to follow. Without a consistent training (it does not matter if you are competitive or just a social dancer) you will not get the most benefit out of your dance lessons.

We understand that sometimes your job schedule or business travel might take you elsewhere and sometimes that makes it hard for you to keep consistency. Therefore we have prepared a special function for our students to take their classes virtually in the comfort of their home, hotel or elsewhere if they can not make it i person to our group or private dance lesson.

Therefore we have included in the cost of a regular lesson the ability for our students to attend the class virtually. If you communicate with us before hand that you need to attend your private or a group dance lesson virtually, we will provide all necessary information and instructions with all links to you ahead of time, so you can continue your dance training with us.