Is dancing just for younger?

Let’s start todays read about a myth: “Dancing is only for youngsters.” Wanna know a surprising fact?! Imperial Ballroom Dance Center team has been asked so many times: “Am I too old to dance? Can adults, that have already grown to a certain age that have no dance experience learn how to dance? Is there, or what is a benefit from such popular hobby as dancing?”

Let’s take a look at the answer closer together.

In USA and especially in New York City & Tri-State area residents are all so lucky to be kind of spoiled with the outstanding variety of hobbies this city can offer. Whether it is a skydiving, horse riding or even skiing at American Dream, it all brings an unforgettable experience. But have you ever stopped and thought how well all these activities are connected with our health?! Or all of us are extremely busy with the life routine, juggling household chores and work and some restaurant outings in between.

If we tell you that dancing is a skill that one imagines feeling free on any social life occasions. would you ask: “Why?” Well, it simple, because taking dance classes with our instructors at Imperial Ballroom Dance Center unites numerous, various but likeminded people from all over the world, giving them the best remedy for the soul – communication.

As you know, communication is a skill that has transformed and these days we are connected but very much thru our electronics. However, in-person eye to eye communication seems to have faded these days, while it is one of the most important life skills that we have as species since the caveman days. Being on the same wavelength with people leads us to a sound mind in a sound body!

Besides, communication gives us the best of worlds, maintaining not only our souls to a balanced level but also keeping us on the right track work wise. Have you already thought how?!

Exactly… you are right… Communication results directly from meeting new people (and we are not talking on social media). As if they are attracted by the magnet, let’s say to a dance floor but deep down it implies the similarity of values, interests, life goals and life styles! We assure you’ll meet possible clients, partners, friends or even soulmate once you let dancing into your life! We have see it happening on the daily basis.

Hm, if these people, the ones we’ve mentioned above, hypothetically are the ones will do the business with, imagine they will become part of your life respectively, then they must be trustworthy, right?! The ones who might be asked to look after the pet while you are away or the ones you can trust with the keys from the car or even the apartment. Where can the-so-called-trust be checked?!

Definitely at the common trips to unforgettable dance competitions. The common outings at the unexpected place in any corner of the world, dancing and experiencing the joy brings people together, that’s what matters, doesn’t it?!

With your permission let us ask you one more question. How often do you find yourself feeling alone while your friends are super occupied with something else?!

Dancing is a solution, did you know that? Dance For You family is always there for anyone due its welcoming, warm and home-like atmosphere during the dance classes. It truly proves us to be a closely-knit dancing society with its numerous members, enjoying dancing instead of getting disappointed in life and even if you are already enjoying the company of your dearest couple, dancing is a solution as well, revealing its true benefits from another perspective but quite healthy and meaningful too!)

Oh and do not forget dancing builds confidence, changes introverts in to extroverts, improves coordination, mental health and builds your fitness level and …… (we can go on forever, because dancing does magic).

Well, taking all those highlights from a dancing world into consideration, we might wonder not for the first but definitely for the last time here, what stops you from taking just a tiny step to huge personal success of yours, starting with the inner harmonized portrait of yourself reflected directly into the outer world of incredibility and splendidness!